Hello, I Am Ruchita with pictorobo. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to display any message on local server using Arduino. visit our main website for more more details www.pictorobo.in for these tutorial we required Library File that is ESP8266 file. let's discuss ESP8266 file using arduino. these our program we need to edit ESP8266 library file.for installing these you have to go the "github URL" these is officially ESP8266 core for arduino github and all this step of installing is given here. you just need to copy the URL http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package-esp8266com-index.json now go to the arduino→file→pref→preferences→copy the URL in this Arduino additional section→click OK→go to tools→board"NODE MCU 1.0(ESP_12Emodule)" WALLETDREAMS Learn the Better & Trusted Ways to Make Money Online GET FREE TIPS visit https://walletdreams.com/